The second, 21164 or EV5, was the first microprocessor to place a large secondary cache on chip.
In most 3D games (except Unreal) the lack of secondary cache makes almost no difference.
The Alpha 21264 has two levels of cache, a primary cache and secondary cache.
The process shrink enabled both cores and a secondary cache to be contained on a die.
Without a secondary cache, a chip may take longer to transmit information, so early reviews of the Celeron were poor.
Intel intends to introduce more Celerons this year, including chips with a secondary cache.
Chip frequency and size of secondary cache on the box in between are currently undecided.
The usually power-hungry secondary cache uses an access method which only switches on the portion being accessed.
Some of this information is associated with instructions, in both the level 1 instruction cache and the unified secondary cache.
The K8 uses an interesting trick to store prediction information with instructions in the secondary cache.