The secondary component has a diameter of at least 200 m.
In 1922, the decision was made to separate the secondary component of the District High School.
Used in supplements for male bodybuilders as a secondary component because of its effects on testosterone levels.
These secondary components are selected so that they have a strong signal.
Little is known about this secondary component, but it may be an F-type star with a luminosity less than 1% of the primary.
Many of the core's secondary components were dangerously hot, even after being offline for more than three minutes.
In a few million years, as the primary evolves toward a red giant, significant amounts of mass transfer to the secondary component is expected.
The disk may be precessing from the gravitational influence of the secondary component.
The secondary component is much fainter, with an apparent magnitude of 12.49.
The secondary component of this system is a white dwarf.