The major secondary crop is rubber.
The economy of Itayanagi is heavily dependent on horticulture, especially for apples, with rice as a secondary crop.
Other secondary crops include peanuts, sesame, legumes, and tubers, as well as a variety of garden vegetables.
There are secondary crops of maize, coffee and, predominantly beef, cattle.
In Taiwan, this plant is often grown under fruit trees in fruits orchards as a secondary crop.
The Temne have long been predominantly farmers of dry rice, intercropped with a variety of secondary crops.
Corn is the secondary crop of this town.
Dairy products and wheat are important secondary crops in specific segments of the state.
Farmers could devote more land to growing rice and even secondary crops like onions and watermelons.
Among these secondary crops, the First Plan emphasized the production of jute, which was to reach the target of 15,000 tons in 1990.