The following sports have a goal, sometimes called a field goal, as a secondary method of scoring.
The Sheffield Rules, a 19th-century code of football, also utilized the rouge as a secondary scoring method.
I think he was prepared with a secondary method if the first failed.
This provides a secondary method of making sure that the simulated metabolism has experimentally verified properties rather than just mathematically acceptable ones.
A secondary method of infection is to create a malicious .
It is vital that people know of secondary methods of contraception, and we investigate here the current extent of this knowledge.
Section 21 of the 1950 Act contained a secondary method of appeal to the High Court.
From 1916 to 1940 the well utilized primary production, adding secondary methods of gas injection (1941 to 1948) and waterflooding (since 1948).
All the secondary methods (such as particular state handlers) are usually hidden within the private part of the class.
A secondary method of stain involves a chemical or molecular reaction between the material and the staining material.