Nevertheless, the secret Jews showed wonderful tenacity and courage and continued to practice their faith in the cellars of their homes.
They had proof that he was a secret Jew, and his refusal to confess was preposterous.
Many in the party were secret Jews fleeing the Inquisition's strong presence in Mexico.
You might be a secret Jew or a Moslem.
We were marvelously happy, but I was afraid to tell her I was a secret Jew.
It is thought that there are still 500-1000 secret Jews in Afghanistan.
So tonight she was the secret Jew.
His central revisionist conclusion is that the Marranos were not secret Jews at all.
One was discovering the way in which the secret Jews seemed not to adhere to certain Jewish dietary laws while meticulously following others.
But the Inquisition extended its jurisdiction and hunted down those it suspected of being secret Jews.