He was a kind of secret sharer for me when I first moved to the block six years ago.
As he said, "I always try to identify with one character in a book and appoint him my secret sharer."
A secret sharer, a spectral reflection, a dark half: his Shadow.
On the other hand, Kevin covets the dead youth's little sister, who is the secret sharer of his first kiss.
We must not forget that secret sharer who influenced American verse in more subterranean ways.
I would have to be on constant guard against discovery of the secret sharer of my consciousness.
So he employs a secret sharer.
According to them, you should enjoy "The Secret Sharer" as the fine adventure it is, and not worry yourself with digging for hidden meanings.
Mundy regards Sasha as "his secret sharer," his mentor and alter ego.
From the ideology of those who write the shows, straight down to the arcane structure of TV humor itself, political bias is comedy's secret sharer.