Yet this traumatised soul is now living with his family at a secret address: his ordeal continues.
When Sir Peter came out of hospital, they went into hiding at a secret address.
This, the Sunday newspaper said, "has upset the company's relationship with the author, who has been hiding at secret addresses under guard."
He's been granted bail, provided he lives at a secret address.
He's one of two patients now re-couperating with a family at a secret address.
He babbled Brett's secret address without stating whose it was.
A man who has nothing to hide does not use an alias or a secret address.
The hotel took up this name 20 years after opening in 1897, and for decades was a rather secret address much-loved by well-heeled regulars.
Color me impressed if someone figures out how the secret addresses are generated so you don't have to bother brute force.
She left the jail with members of a British religious organisation for a secret address in Seville.