Hence 'secret' algorithms which mandate the use of their binary-only server software.
"The issue here is: Should a secret algorithm developed by the intelligence community be used for unclassified civilian uses?"
So let's say the tricksy government has a secret algorithm that somehow allows them to weaken the strength to one trillionth of the original.
All symmetric secret key algorithms have this undesirable property.
The designers have the choice of using their own custom, and secret algorithm or using a publicly tested one.
The site owner cannot add any sitelinks; Google adds them through its own secret automated algorithms.
Relevance is determined by obscure and proprietary secret algorithms.
Leaked descriptions of secret algorithms have been posted to the Internet via sci.
Using my patented and quite secret algorithm, Romney has averaged 21.5 percent, which should be enough right there to win the caucus.
You can borrow money in minutes from Wonga - as long as its secret algorithm says yes.