That is to give him time to persuade the party to endorse an Irish Republican Army offer to permit international inspections of its secret arms dumps.
In that role, he became involved in the secret arms sales that were intended to secure the hostages' release.
The United States has argued that the reactors, ostensibly being built to generate electricity, will aid Iran's secret nuclear arms programs.
The lesson given, he then proceeded to answer questions about the Government's secret arms sales to Iran and the skim to the Nicaraguan contras.
Was Person Y even then planning to tie up secret arms against a sea of predictable troubles?
They came in the context of a discussion of the Administration's secret arms sales to Iran.
The steps follow an announcement by the Irish Republican Army permitting international inspection of its secret arms dumps.
He works for AXE - a secret arm of the US intelligence services.
Britain has scuttled plans to publish an intelligence dossier on Iraq's secret arms programs that it had planned to release on Washington's behalf.
Foreign policy involves far more than secret arms deals, late night calls to world leaders and military showdowns.