There may have been secret conclaves for this purpose.
And here I found the leaders of the revolt in the city assembled in secret conclave to the number of seven.
Jacobins disarmed, flung forth from their Tribune in mid air, must needs try to help themselves, in secret conclave under ground.
Finally, it had been decided by a secret conclave of the surviving priestesses to abandon Neral.
The name uMgungundlovu stems from the Zulu word or phrase ungungu we ndlovu, which means "the secret conclave of the elephant".
A decision has been taken in what is now standard Burmese fashion, a secret conclave of a non-elected party congress.
For instance, Rufus King, a delegate to the Philadelphia convention, donated notes compiled during the secret conclave.
For the situa- tion of it (as his lordship said) in the secret conclave of such a vast sea might cause it.
In the old days a cabinet council was a secret conclave, secrecy and furtiveness were in the texture of all public life.
Less than a month ago he had held a secret conclave here with a pirate crew.