Barney growled under his breath, but went down the cellar stairs and headed for the secret hangar.
The chase ends at Grievous' secret hangar, where the pair fight hand to hand.
After the game is once completed, a secret hangar becomes available.
All these vehicles were stored, along with a training area and other equipment, in a secret hangar below the yard.
The Metallikats were the only characters in the series to learn their true identities, when they invade the secret hangar.
The pilot had left a secret hangar a few miles south of Montauk Light half an hour before.
The great Avia purred like a Cadillac as he edged her into her secret hangar.
The evening meal was over and Mu Tel himself had conducted us to a secret hangar in one of the towers of his palace.
Their pilot guided the ship vertically out of its secret hangar, emerging from a now devastated park several spans from the Ilanatava.
Up to that secret hangar near Binghamton.