More and more he suspected that the gray-haired officer knew most of whatever political secrets lurked in the shadows of Gerhaa.
Back-room battles and locked-door secrets lurk within.
For 31 years a strange secret has been lurking in the stacks of every law library in the country.
Until now the swarthy, compact man had delivered his speech with his eyes fixed on the blue haze, as though secrets lurked high in the tent.
"Nor must we rejoice too much in the moment's happiness, for dark secrets lurk behind the veil, and all may not be well hereafter!"
While the Lin family appear like the dream wealthy family, dark secrets lurk within the four walls of their mansion, many dating back some thirty years.
Since the child reminded of their lost daughter Rebecca, she agrees, not knowing what the dirty secret is lurking in the water.
The moon flicked a ghostly radiance on to the windows, and shiny leaves of the magnolias; and secrets lurked all over the old stone face.
What secrets lurk inside the great toothpick Pyramid of Khufu?
Science C1-12 What secrets lurk in mounds around deep ocean vents?