But as we have seen, young Vanbrugh was indeed in 1688 part of a secret network working for William's invasion.
It says White House officials were planning many more operations when their secret network was exposed last year.
Then, we were told about a secret network of extremists.
There's a secret network of people from all across the galaxy who escaped earlier repressions in time.
He reveals a secret network of drains which gets her safely to the farms.
Is that what you're engaged by your secret network to do?
Within the secret network of scientists and engineers, there was at first no consensus that it made sense to rise to the American challenge.
Most of the calls made using this secret network seemed to originate in either one of two places.
During more than a decade of repression, black marketeers and revolutionaries had built their secret network.
It predicted that such secret networks would become more complex, hampering Western efforts to stop or limit the spread of military technology.