One of them has it that Tamar was buried in a secret niche at the Gelati monastery so as to prevent the grave from being profaned by her enemies.
Even now, with the ancient treasure safely ensconced in a secret niche of Klia Askar's house, Dors could not yet bring herself to access its stored memories.
He hung the copy over the piano in the living room of his house in Sandgate, Vt., and hid the original in a secret niche behind a wall in his home.
She led him to the farthest corner, as though it were a secret niche, and kissed him convulsively.
Only after it had shambled away at last did the creatures of the forest finish their homeward odyssey, scurrying for secret niches and hiding places.
Whoever had lurked there had already withdrawn into some secret niche.
He thought for sure the King had found in those days some secret niche to watch all from.
We are poking around the dark, secret niches of the human heart, and our medical chart resembles antique maps with the dread legends: 'Terra incognita' and 'Here be dragons.'
But she had shown little Gifford the secret niche on the very afternoon of Laura Lee's funeral.
Like turn-of-the-century séances, the soothsayer usually had an accomplice hidden in a secret niche or tunnel.