Farid Hilal's skillful, inquisitive fingers were exploring for more than an hour secret nooks in her body she had forgotten they existed.
She knows every secret nook and cranny of this accursed place.
Ferngrove Park, with its woods and meadows and deep thickets full of secret nooks and crannies, was a place where the Brownies really did have a grand time.
The mayflowers bloomed in the secret nooks of Rainbow Valley.
Such "clone killers" might incorporate little tweaks and twiddles in the design of the Intel chip, in the way the operating system software works with the hardware, and in other secret nooks and crannies.
"Hazel had swiped the necklace from its hiding place behind the pantry and dragged it to one of her own secret nooks."
Shafts of sunlight probe down into secret nooks and woodland hollows, just as they did in the wintry days to frustrate the birds in their efforts to conceal nests.
I believe the real murderer killed Kallian to secure whatever was in the Bowl, and is hiding now in some secret nook in the Temple.
Joan's was rich, warmly sympathetic, tender and emphatic, yet it was full of dark corners, secret nooks, recesses, and automatic blocks... Huh?
From the 19th to the 20th of February the circle of investigation was extended to all the northern region of Lincoln Island, whose most secret nooks were explored.