Impatiently, Henrietta waited for Richard until she was determined to go through the door from her grandfather's room to the secret realm herself.
Under certain buildings on the base lie secret realms that were apparently unknown to the vast majority of the soldiers who conducted the ordinary, reputable army business of Wyvern.
No man dare guess from what secret realms Efrel shall summon forth an irresistible power.
It was a victory that belonged to everyone, a victory so thorough and so deep that it had vanished from sight, and belonged to that secret realm of the mind on which everything else is predicated.
Skiing New Zealand's Tasman Glacier is one of those fantasy experiences that knowledgable skiers keep in the imagination's secret realms.
In Caledon, in the far-hidden north, the secret realm grew.
As I've said, I hope to summon Klinure--to follow her into the secret realm of dream.
Co-operation reached into the more secret realms of intelligence and science.
The serrated fungus on a fallen branch was a fairy's staircase leading to a secret realm.
Hawat's words were drowned out in the commotion, and he slipped back into the secret realm of his Mentat trance.