Before resting its case, the defense made sure that all of several secret recordings had been introduced into evidence.
"We decided that these secret recordings were better than what you could get out of live testimony on the stand."
The police played secret recordings during the trial made in February 2004 of the suspects discussing potential targets.
The lesson here: If you are going to make secret recordings of people for whatever reason, use a high-quality digital recorder.
So how can a cell phone held in plain site make a "secret recording?"
What is the justification for using any deception, undercover work or secret recording to gather further evidence?
However, secret recording should normally be a method of last resort.
Federal agents raided the building about half an hour after the last of the secret recordings.
Earlier, he had played the secret recordings of the crystal spire and the strange hieroglyphics.
Much of that arm-twisting has been dragged into the light, in secret recordings by the spy chief.