The public seems to believe that there exists some half secret remedies as yet unemployed to cure the impecuniosity of States.
He promises marvelous cures by secret remedies, sold only by himself, and able even to insure immunity beforehand from the possible consequences of debauchery.
He made a considerable fortune from a secret remedy he developed called aurum potabile.
His practice consisted chiefly, if not entirely, in the prescription and sale of a secret remedy called aurum potabile, from which he made a considerable fortune.
His exposition and published analyses of secret remedies were especially valuable.
And they may mention that taking their secret remedy before the first sniffle may have helped you avoid the cold altogether...
Vendors can be seen tying stacks of banana leaves, cutting spines from nopals, and selling "secret" herbal remedies.
The medical profession used the new credibility of laboratory science as a weapon against secret remedies sold directly to the public.
Initially, quackery mainly consisted of the unauthorized practice of medicine and the peddling of "secret remedies".
Green has no secret remedy to cure the Mets' inconsistency.