Tuck wondered just how secret a spy could be who had his status printed on a business card.
Since Mei was a secret spy of the police, he could not vent his unsatisfaction or anger on anybody easily.
This time it was not from Spider's suggestion, but the secret spy would be there to watch it.
It is revealed that she has no mother and her father is busy with his own work as a secret spy for the Defense Forces.
These skills include the art of international subterfuge, otherwise known as the skills of a secret spy.
Minna would not know the proper way to handle the mayor's secret spy.
He also is a super secret spy, and constantly recruits the Bratz for backup on missions.
He offers to provide the identity of the secret Communist spy Blue, in return for a safe new life in Canada.
But what about Dusty's secret spy at the Coast Guard station?
The Chancellor of the Court was revealed as a secret spy for Naggaroth.