And though Kemp has fished unceasingly, no human being save the landlord knows those books are there, with the subtle secret of invisibility and a dozen other strange secrets written therein.
One display case held a copy of the Azhar Book, the Bene Gesserit volume of secrets written in a long-forgotten language.
That with such horrible need For deepest silence, I should have neglected So trivial a precaution, as the making His tomb the keeper of a secret written On a thief's memory?
Finally, Jeeves nullifies Runkle as a force by revealing secrets written about him by Bingley in the Club Book.
That was how you maintained your authority -everyone, talking to a copper, was secretly afraid you could see their guilty secret written on their forehead.
I alone must keep the awful and joyful secrets written here until Urthwyte can be instructed as Lord of Salamandastron.
Later it is noted that "a copy of the Azhar Book, the Bene Gesserit volume of secrets written in a long-forgotten language" is on display in the Ishaq Hall of Magnificent Documents on Kaitain.
In 2000, the Catholic Church released the official third secret of Fatima alongside a commentary on the meaning of the secret written by then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
You are not supposed to be walking around with all of our secrets written on your face!
The Interesting Life and Wonderful Adventures of that Extraordinary Woman Anne Jane Thornton, the Female Sailor; disclosing important secrets, unknown to the public, written by herself (London: 1835)