Suggestions poured in, such as the note from a Fox employee about the secretarial duty she found most humbling.
She had been in the typing pool and was grateful for the return to general secretarial duties.
He/she performs an array of administrative and secretarial duties .
McRoberts was the club's first full-time manager, with no secretarial duties, and led the team to a 16th-place finish in the 20-team division.
Who was this woman, and could the staff secretary please confine herself to secretarial duties?
Wild took on the managerial role in addition to his existing secretarial duties.
A year later Hill took on unpaid secretarial duties.
How, apart from secretarial duties, she had spent the intervening time, was tacitly assumed.
Each unit gives background information to the practice and theory of secretarial duties.
They are more likely to work at home because the usually have no secretarial or administrative duties.