He was elected general secretary of the Transylvanian Writers' Union.
His father hoped to make money there but only found work as a carpenter (he became secretary of the American Carpenters' Union).
From 1924 to 1948 he served as secretary of the Post Office Workers' Union.
After this, he practiced as an accountant and as secretary of the Mental Nurses' Union.
From 1952 to 1954 he was the secretary of the Lithuanian Writers' Union.
After the War he served as secretary of Radio Telegraphers' Union in 1922.
Gargrave served as secretary of the National Painters' Union.
He worked on the dockyards and became secretary of the Boilermakers' Union.
In 1956, Jimmy Hill became secretary of the Players' Union.
He worked as a newspaper clerk and became the secretary of the Federated Clerks' Union.