Nike had dominated the race for several years and Adidas was trying to secretly assemble a team of elite runners.
"You mean you've been secretly assembling an identical copy of the Machine in Japan?"
While secretly assembling the team and the sub-teams within, from behind the scenes, Doctor Strange didn't officially join the team until the Siege of Darkness storyline.
On the wooded hillside he secretly assembled 5,000 foot archers and a force of cavalry.
The most memorable point in their performance is probably their comic scene of lovemaking in the bushes, while the rest of the passengers secretly assemble to watch.
Several Seminoles with their warriors assembled secretly at points along the march.
Symbolically, her Akita, Kenzan Go, chose late October 1941--0 as the Japanese fleet was secretly assembling for its attack upon Pearl Harbor--to disappear.
Eaton's began secretly assembling land at Yonge and College Streets in 1910 for a new store.
One of the last yellow symbols-depicting the two divisions assembled secretly in the snow-bound Caucasus Mountains-turned green.
Instead he was secretly assembling a force of his own.