As town constable, he secretly carries a gun and disobeys Alexandria's leader, Douglas, to stop a domestic dispute.
Both the Patient and the Nurse secretly carry a burden of betrayal that has come to define their outward lives.
Then they promised to stop, but they secretly carried on.
He secretly carries on with Zubeida, who wants eventually to marry him.
She acknowledged that she had once secretly carried $15,000 back to Mexico as one installment of her growing fortune.
He had several times in his work secretly carried on a more advanced experiment while, ostensibly, following the step-by-step scientific method.
Krishna quickly becomes friends with him due to the latter secretly carrying a cellphone and pager.
If I stopped her she would know the hypnohelmet she had used hadn't worked on me because of the breaker switch I secretly carried.
Rabbi Jungreis contributed a miniature parchment scroll of the Torah that he secretly carried throughout his own ordeal.