"It is a party secretly controlled by Communists, militants and extremists."
Daken's true motive for being at the party is to find a lead to who secretly controls Hollywood so he can take over.
The Evil One secretly controls everyone and everything here.
A majority of the theories allege that the Church and its representatives are secretly controlling secular society.
The hacker can secretly control the victim's computer, using it to commit crimes or spread spam.
He's secretly controlling the biggest corporation on Earth.
Still, it wasn't so bad now; now that she knew the codes that let her secretly control the outcome of the plays.
Many of Caldwell's books centered on the idea that a small cabal of rich, powerful men secretly control the world.
Once elected, Wright will lead the country directly into a police state secretly controlled by the Red Skull.
And it secretly controlled two banks, which the Federal Reserve recently ordered it to sell.