"In return, they wanted us to drop out of the struggle and they wanted us to secretly cooperate with them against the so-called terrorist groups," he said.
Bloomberg was made aware of the inquiry several months ago, people who have been briefed on the inquiry said, and has been secretly cooperating with the Federal inquiry.
Prosecutors said Mr. Cantor represented three separate corporate clients in dealings with a Board of Education official, who was secretly cooperating with investigators.
To this end it cooperated secretly with British Security Coordination in New York.
The League has to secretly cooperates with alien forces to destroy the threat the bio-mechanical ship Red Sun is to the universe.
Much of that money was taken through a complex scheme of bogus invoices and dummy corporations even as Mr. Whitacre was secretly cooperating with the Government investigation.
Was secretly cooperating with Delphi Moran.
Several of the pleas have been sealed, suggesting that some managers have agreed to cooperate and secretly gather more evidence for information for prosecutors.
On the other hand, during his terms the Reichswehr secretly cooperated with the Soviet Russian army to circumvent the Treaty of Versailles.
He also secretly cooperated with the exiled government of Beneš.