In 1942, during the German occupation, secretly created the Union of Belarusian youth, which was legalized by the occupation authorities in 1943.
Through these allied computers it began secretly creating and releasing a variety of engineered diseases.
"I think someone is secretly creating an army right under our noses, using the service fair to cover the tracks."
It finds that in that year McKinzie and two other top officials secretly created a second set of financial books to get around the sorority's accounting policies.
Prosecutors contend that he secretly created and controlled Sterling Foster and was part of a group that made $100 million off that operation.
The Times's Tim Golden documented this week the way the Bush administration secretly created a parallel - and unconstitutional - judicial universe for Gitmo.
Fifteen years ago, major league clubs secretly created an information bank to which clubs reported all offers to free agents.
After secretly creating the monster in a roller coaster, his lab is discovered by the Chipmunks and sends his creation after them.
The show chronicles the family of a robotics engineer who, after he secretly creates a robot modeled after a real human girl, tries to pass it off as their daughter.
In response, she secretly creates a holographic human version of herself named Sylvia (Leslie Stefanson) in hopes of winning him over.