Unbenownst to the conspirators, he is secretly delighted about its theft.
I said, secretly delighted at his depressed state.
Tom picked him up, secretly delighted that he hadn't been deserted in affection.
The pair looked quite done in, reflected Vespasian, but he was secretly delighted with them.
Anne was secretly delighted to see Kathleen behaving so normally, and felt that she could stop worrying about her.
Guilford, secretly delighted, didn't think it was the end of the world.
She was secretly delighted to be taken to lunch by a well-dressed young white man.
So she had tried them in turn, secretly delighted with his choice and quite horrified at the price when she discovered the tickets.
She trotted over to the Aga, hitting indignantly and secretly delighted with his help.
He is, I suspect, secretly delighted at the prospect of a quick out.