The 555th was secretly deployed to the Pacific Northwest of the United States in response to the concern that forest fires were being set by the Japanese military using long-range fire balloon.
Just 30 years ago, a U-2 spy plane returned with photographic evidence that the Soviet Union had secretly deployed two dozen nuclear missiles in Cuba.
LEAD: The United States has secretly deployed combat aircraft in several Persian Gulf nations to help defend Saudi Arabia, American and Saudi officials say.
The United States had secretly deployed F-16C fighters in Qatar.
The former Prime Minister of Hungary Károly Grósz revealed on April 22 that the Soviet Union had secretly deployed nuclear weapons in Hungary until 1988.
Everyone agreed, then as before, that the world came perilously close to a nuclear war when Mr. Kennedy imposed a blockade to force Moscow to remove missiles secretly deployed in Cuba.
The Navy has now disclosed that just a month later the robot, known as Jason Junior, was secretly deployed to scrutinize the Scorpion's wreckage.
The marines are roughly comparable to United States Army Rangers in terms of their skills but are not as elite as the S.A.S, which is also believed to have been secretly deployed.
Some members of the Special Forces based here were secretly deployed to Afghanistan in October after stripping off their identifying lightning bolt shoulder patches in case of capture.
In addition, each side would install monitoring devices and inspectors outside of missile assembly facilities and storage sites to make sure that no new missiles are secretly deployed.