The Government also believes that the two traffickers were secretly providing money to start a new political party.
Vimes has his officers keep track of the regiment, occasionally secretly providing aid.
In a reversal, the security service and Polish government had also members in its ranks who were secretly providing beneficial information to the church.
Nevertheless they secretly provided supplies and mercenaries and his strength grew gradually.
Tagmino father, a humble parish priest, agrees to secretly provide them to the wedding.
The Prime Minister's Government secretly provided $1.8 million in public money so the settlers could purchase the lease.
An informer inside the family provided secretly recorded conversations that led to the arrests, prosecutors said.
He was also accused of secretly providing money to Sheila.
She also alleged that he secretly provided financial support to Sheila over a number of years.
Mr. Barco's Government said the two men were secretly providing money to start a new political party.