Tapioca secretly resents Chrystal's broadening brood, unable to conceive a child and haunted by the mystery of her adoption.
As a result, Li secretly resented Wang.
Even during the days when they were still a family, Willy thinks, he secretly resented his daughters.
Perhaps he'd always secretly resented giving his name to another man's child, she thought sadly.
We never spoke of Lila, but I sometimes wondered if he didn't secretly resent my intrusion into his romance.
Oliphant had made no attempt to introduce the woman; she sat with expressionless rigidity, as if secretly resenting the gaze of an Englishman.
I asked Menua, secretly resenting anything that might keep me from the adventure.
Oh, he pretends to grovel before my father, but he secretly resents him.
In the event, under heavy Foreign Office pressure which she secretly resented, Mrs Thatcher gave way completely.
Banks, meanwhile, is learning a lot about the younger brother he secretly resented and mistrusted, but never really knew.