Carlos realizes as he has been secretly sleeping with his ex-wife Gabrielle, that she must have it, too.
Her drug-addicted adoptive brother came to California, and it was revealed they'd been secretly sleeping together unbeknownst to their parents.
The two declare their feelings for one another, share another kiss and secretly sleep together, while Steve is working behind the bar.
Since they have nowhere to sleep, the Baudelaires decide to secretly sleep in the unfinished wing of the hospital.
She attends a party and secretly sleeps with a man and later reunited with Bart.
Calvin and Carmel become close again, despite the fact Calvin is secretly sleeping with Mercedes.
Cinyras is repulsed by this, but Myrrha disguises herself as a prostitute, and secretly sleeps with her father at night.
The two start sleeping together secretly, hoping that Pete especially won't find out.
Sadie has a crush on a new boy in town, and Keith is secretly sleeping in Steve's garage.