Occasionally when his sense of separateness from her is too strong, he secretly studies the objects connected with her.
Moreover, he had in the past secretly studied the theory of reanimation to some extent under West.
These nephews went to secretly study logic at a Buddhist temple, and fled after being discovered there.
He secretly studied modern art but this was frowned on by his teachers, being dubbed "mad art".
Strømsted joined the group of actors that started underground meetings where they secretly studied Stanislavski's system.
He taught me how to manipulate the thinking machines, and I have continued to study secretly for centuries.
Moffatt's parents wished him to follow a career in a bank, but Moffatt secretly studied acting and made his stage debut in 1944.
The Government, which secretly studied miners' higher rate of cancer, pursued a policy that put production ahead of saftey in the nuclear weapons industry.
Her younger daughter was secretly studying at home; her older daughter had gone to Pakistan to finish her education.
She was able to study secretly using books given to her by her brother's tutor.