When the military secretly tested the deadly germs in remote locales, Mr. Patrick was often the senior Fort Detrick official present.
What if the former Manchester United star was really secretly testing the water for a presidential campaign in April?
They decided not to tell anyone about their exposure, but they did secretly test their blood every day.
No cheater, he said, could ever get away with secretly testing a hydrogen bomb, and he stressed that such explosions were the main things that counted in war.
For twenty years, the CIA secretly tested these concoctions on American agents.
You suggest he was secretly testing it for work on the Antarctic land mass, flying it south over the pack ice.
The agency also wants to know how Iran developed such a high level of enrichment technology without secretly testing it with nuclear material, which is also forbidden.
Mr. Byrne is the ambivalent mastermind behind an elaborate surveillance system that the Government is secretly testing in Los Angeles.
And there - and by the way, there is some indication that the Russians may have been secretly testing their nuclear weapons.
The Navy's been secretly testing a proton cannon for years, and we have one of the first working models.