She secretly worried about his strength* for she could feel him tremble by the time they reached the bottom of the stairs.
She was worrying secretly about something, and she had been worrying before, when she was in the San.
The elevator descended by inches while we all secretly worried about getting stuck.
In the end, Simon loves Alvin, although he secretly worries that they share the same gene pool.
I was secretly worried over the outcome.
All the way from Texas he had been worrying secretly that Lorena would blame him for her kidnap.
For the paradox of travel is that while we feel that we're seeing more, we secretly worry that we're understanding less.
They decide to begin a new life together, but Magda secretly worries that she is deceiving Ruggero.
Naruko displays a cold attitude towards Jinta, especially while in front of her friends, but is secretly worried about his wellbeing.
A few of them secretly worry that like a tree, I'll die from the top down.