It lacks a justice system that puts the rule of law over political expediency, while its police force is dominated by sectarian militias and thugs.
Many of those forces are actually sectarian militias that have been armed by the coalition forces, but not changed by them.
And why are sectarian militias still the ultimate power in Baghdad's residential neighborhoods?
The plan has no provisions for disarming sectarian militias, he said.
De facto partition into ethnic enclaves policed by sectarian militias is far advanced.
As a non-Muslim group, they have been abused by sectarian militias.
But late last week, sectarian militias turned over their artillery and authority to a revitalized national army in a 1,000-square-mile zone radiating from Beirut.
So long as Baghdad is in chaos they will have no reason to believe in anything but sectarian militias and vigilante justice.
The strife appears to be driven mainly by sectarian militias, some tied to political parties.
Worsening violence has undermined his intention to disarm the country's sectarian militias.