The plaintiffs certainly are free to send their children to a sectarian school.
It is absurd to pretend that Florida's voucher students will have any choice beyond sectarian schools.
Cleveland's plan will help sectarian schools and those parents who want to place their children in religious schools.
They lived in segregated neighborhoods and went to rigidly sectarian schools.
The measure would not cover the armed forces, businesses with fewer than 15 employees and religious institutions, including sectarian schools.
Vouchers would result in tax dollars flowing to sectarian schools.
It is a sectarian school run by the Daughters of Charity.
Another of its purposes was to prevent all public encouragement and support of sectarian schools.
He knew, as we all know, that educating children in sectarian schools divides the community.
He also urged black churches to begin their own sectarian schools that would teach values of responsibility and chastity.