In the upstairs bathroom, sections of the wall have become waterlogged.
The book is divided into four chapters or sections, with each section of poetry becoming darker in subject manner than the last.
As sections become incorporated, they take on the city numbering system.
By the end of the 19th century, the northern section of the town had become known as Bluestone village.
The highway began as almost entirely unpaved, but more sections are becoming paved each year.
The "grid-lock" was designed in so that no section of the government could become to powerful or too unaccountable.
The path was well built in its time but some sections have become wet and slippery.
The larger this section of the heart becomes, the greater the chance of complications.
Large sections of plaster become stained, crumble and fall out.
The section of line became known as "the Alps", due to the steep gradients that exist there.