City officials and Related see it as a rare opportunity to develop, and create jobs for, a blighted section of the Bronx.
Many of his neighbors also moved from other poor sections of Brooklyn and the Bronx.
Some sections of the Bronx that have struggled over the years with high rates of crime, poverty and unemployment have never had a community newspaper.
"What morons would buy a 400-square-foot studio in a boring residential section of the Bronx?"
The first victory in the campaign was won this year by parents in Riverdale, an affluent section of the Bronx.
"If Parkchester went, so would that whole section of the east Bronx," he said.
Ms. Saunders, 54, insists that it is time for new leadership in that section of the Bronx.
We don't have a lot of services that other sections of the Bronx have.
If Yankees fans aren't around in this often empty section of the Bronx, a walk around the jail is a lonely journey.
The gifted program for the northeastern section of the Bronx is in the Co-op City schools.