According to and, the hierarchy on an oil platform correspond to the timescale of which the sections operate.
By 1924, the section from Tenterden to Headcorn was operating at a loss.
Its federal structure means that some sections of the union operate under separate branding.
Whilst the majority of the system is underground, significant sections operate on elevated tracks or at street level.
A section at the rear of the castle operates as a hostel for visitors to the island.
The section had no intermediate stations, and operated for slightly less than six years.
The two sections operate independently, with two cars on each section which are mechanically separate.
The small section of the line remaining still operated under the Virginia Central Railway name until the early 1980s.
This section operates where the clause attempts to exclude or restrict business liability as defined in s. 1(3).
Only the Cub packs are open to boys and girls, the older sections operate in single-gender groups.