During this time, Lebanon was in the midst of a Lebanese Civil War, and Beirut was divided into sectors controlled by different militias.
Remember that much like Berlin after World War Two, Kosovo was divided into sectors controlled by troops from specific countries.
In recent months, Kandahar has been a city under siege, carved into sectors controlled by the Government and by the guerrillas.
The Planet Proton is within the sector controlled by Alliance forces.
By the end of the 19th century, textile production and distribution was the country's largest manufacturing sector, mostly controlled by French immigrants.
The marines, equipped with light vehicles and helicopters, will move into southwestern Kosovo to set up a sector controlled by the United States.
During this time, Lebanon was in the midst of a civil war, and Beirut was divided into sectors controlled by different militia.
The airport is a public sector controlled by the holding company, Manchester Airports Group.
Vervain has two exits; one to the Hub, the other into the nexus sectors controlled by the Cetagandan Empire.
"The governor of any central bank is quite scared to have the financial sector controlled by foreigners," Mr. Minotti of Salomon said.