Taking the last two months together, he said, the private sector has increased jobs by only 28,000.
Local state industries grew 10.5 percent and the private sector increased 9.7 percent, according to official statistics.
Neither services nor any other sector increased sufficiently to compensate for the loss of jobs in manufacturing.
These sectors are evolving and increasing their activities.
Between 1995 and 2002, China's private sector has increased productivity at 17 percent annually - a truly breathtaking pace.
In the years since 1986 both sectors have increased their intakes.
From the point of view of capital the sector would have increased in importance by a half.
I am confident that this sector will increase as new opportunities and e-commerce fields open up to them.
In general terms, the sector is increasing by an average of 30% per year.
The rate of increase is alarming, for this sector increased 26% between 1990 and 2004, making it 26.5% of the Union's total energy consumption.