Senior officers say his Government is undermining the secular basis of the Turkish state and leading the country toward fundamentalism.
Last month, Turkey's highest court closed the Welfare Party, declaring that it sought to undermine the secular basis of the Turkish Republic.
A prosecutor is seeking to have the party outlawed on the ground that it is working to undermine the secular basis of the Turkish state.
So newspapers are re-emerging on a secular basis as a very effective mass media in local markets.
A federal prosecutor has urged that the party be outlawed on the grounds that it seeks to undermine the secular basis of the Turkish state.
If present, these would contravene the secular basis of the public education system.
His life plan was on a secular basis.
His work was entirely on a secular basis, but he was noted in his life for the care he gave to the poor.
Romney's long interest in volunteerism stemmed from the Mormon belief in the power of institutions to transform the individual, but also had a secular basis.
On a long-term, secular basis, drug stocks look interesting.