The story provides a blueprint for how to remake and better the world in the image and interests of the West's secular elites.
It was opposed by Turkey's staunchly secular elite, a group that includes the military and has long dominated virtually all walks of Turkish life.
Before the war, the Bush team told anyone who would listen that Iraq had the most talented secular elite in the Arab world.
Jocelin had the respect of the secular elite too.
This terrifies Turkey's generals and the rest of the secular elite.
These regimes were led by secular elites who saw religion as something that held their countries back or in a state of colonial dependence.
He seems to hold Mr. Carter's 1980 loss against those whom he calls "a secular elite."
Kebatinan-movements were seen by secular nationalistic elites as allies against the rise of political Islam.
If the parties of the secular elites "had remained in the government it would have been impossible to start E.U. negotiations," he said.
Discredited secular elites are thus vulnerable to opponents promising deliverance through faith.