Up he went, finding a secure perch, trying hard not to groan, though in truth he wanted to scream from the pain.
Aya joined him with a trill of satisfaction, flying to take a secure perch on his shoulder as he went out the doors.
That gave Hyllarr a much more secure perch, and one that eased Darkwind's aching shoulder quite a bit.
"I'm elusive and would-be wise," he later confesses, "and, as Dr. Morales has just told me from his secure internal perch, 'understanding' to a fault."
It was not until then that the girl descended to a more secure and comfortable perch, where she sat trembling for a long time as she sought to compose herself.
That plays into the hands of China, which would gain a secure perch from which to neutralize any U.N. action against allies like Cambodia.
Sometimes crows leave their tools on secure perches while searching distant hunting grounds, returning later to retrieve their hooked twigs or stepped-cut leaves.
The small creatures began to take shelter, birds winging back and forth in an effort to find the most secure perch to wait out the storm.
Ivan, directly under the window, looked up in frustration as Pikel sought a secure perch in the tree branch's shaky outer reaches.
He couldn't possibly climb up to the sculpture and wipe it clean while holding any secure perch.