This also includes Stewardesses, pilots and anyone working in the secure zone of an airport.
There were statements floating in from him from various secure zones in the air or underground.
After a pirate attack, the group was forced to move to a more secure zone, so they did.
All network hardware is in secure zones.
But the goal of establishing secure zones and offering benefits to defectors was everywhere in evidence.
Having this one secure zone suddenly become yet another place where humiliation occurred is what triggered the break.
In a news conference this weekend, he said he hoped to set up secure zones in the south within the next three to six months.
The former rebels, now concentrated in 15 secure zones around the country, demobilized their first group of 1,600 combatants in July.
They created 91 such secure zones in Rwanda, but there were only enough Unamir soldiers to stand guard at four of them.
In his haste, he'd forgotten about the checkpoint between the secure and nonsecure zones.