The investigation into the death of Adamski was dropped later that year, and a security clampdown forbade officers from speaking to the press.
Despite a security clampdown on the city of Homs, close to 20,000 people reportedly protested there after prayers.
A total security clampdown had been put in effect on the mission to the Gamma Quadrant, even before things had gone wrong.
Clayson ordered a total security clampdown on the sighting, and called the Western White House.
Protests continued through July 2011, the government responding with harsh security clampdowns and military operations in several districts, especially in the north.
A rigid security clampdown succeeded in preventing major disruption of the polling.
However, the security clampdown following the September 11 attacks in 2001 meant this was no longer an option.
In mid-1990, martial law was formally lifted but the security clampdown remains currently in force.
Despite the security clampdown today, some expressions of defiance broke through.
On Sunday, Sunni organizations and politicians began condemning the government's security clampdown.