Even so, several key security enhancements came from programmers in the United States.
In particular, these previous studies did not reflect current plant design, operation, accident management strategies or security enhancements.
Even now, it is not clear how much the redesign will add to the estimated $1.5 billion budget nor who would pay for the security enhancements.
Most notable features is full process separation between customers and other similar security enhancements suitable for hosting environments.
With security enhancements like these in place, arming pilots is simply unnecessary.
Officials from the authority have said that precise estimates are difficult to come up with because the scope of the security enhancements is unprecedented.
There are two security enhancements: application password control and client authentication.
Again, that's a major step forward for Windows 7 and long-term security enhancement.
The new design will add security enhancements which aim to reduce counterfeiting.
This money was used for improvements and security enhancements at research and storage facilities.