The administration rightly considers food security in Afghanistan a critical national security goal.
Concern about death and the circumstances in which it will occur increases the shift of focus to security goals.
There are many timestamping schemes with different security goals, below is a short list.
Their effort began in February out of concern over losing exports or letting a financial crisis abroad upset national security goals at home.
Its design meets most security goals: authentication, integrity, and confidentiality.
"A policy which restricts only United States business doesn't achieve national security goals or trade utility."
It only implies that Israel needs to re-examine its use as a means of achieving the nation's political and security goals.
This is the way in which ideas and perceptions can ultimately affect the ability of a nation to achieve its national security goals.
Additionally, one can create a new design pattern to specifically achieve some security goal.
Shawn Bates followed nearly the same route to add a security goal with six minutes to go.