SIA licensing covers manned guarding (including security guarding, door supervision, close protection, cash and valuables in transit, and public space surveillance using CCTV), key holding and vehicle immobilising.
These include vehicle immobilising, key holding and all aspects of manned guarding, including cash and valuables in transit, close protection, door supervision, public space surveillance (CCTV) and security guarding.
The provision of security guarding services to four diplomatic missions in Moscow, Cairo, Hong Kong and Beijing, awarded to Minimal Risks Consultancy Ltd.
Pinkerton's agents performed services ranging from security guarding to private military contracting work.
Mephisto (Doug Bayne) (aka James Wenham) may or may not have been a security guard at one time or another, but it is certain that he did take a three-week training course in security guarding, and has retained some of the knowledge from that course.
The ACS accredits companies involved in cash and valuables in transit, close protection, door supervision, key holding, public space surveillance (CCTV), security guarding and vehicle immobilisation.
An SVQ in security guarding at level II has also been introduced in collaboration with the Securities Industries Training Organisation.
The force's duties included static security guarding at the Australian Embassy in Baghdad and the protection of Australian diplomats and vehicle convoys.
It is currently approved by the SIA for security guarding and CCTV.
Securitas AB is a security services (security guarding and mobile patrolling), monitoring, consulting and investigation group, based in Stockholm, Sweden.